Thursday, May 21, 2020
Homosexuality Biological or Learned Behavior - 2484 Words
Homosexuality: Biological or Learned Behavior Axia College of University of Phoenix Homosexuality is at the front lines of the nature versus nurture debate. Many studies have been conducted, but a clear cause has yet to be found. Anti-homosexuals, consisting mainly of religious groups, believe that homosexuality is abnormal, unnatural, and can be changed. Because of their beliefs, homosexuality must be a learned behavior. Whether homosexuality is biological or learned behavior is still a mystery, but scientists are finding more evidence to suggest the former. Webster’s online dictionary defines abnormal as deviating from the normal or average. By that definition alone homosexuality is abnormal, but there are other things that are†¦show more content†¦3). Lastly, they criticize the fact LeVay could not guarantee the sexuality of his subjects (Dallas, para. 3). However, this discrepancy probably explains why 17 percent of the group contradicted the study (three heterosexual males had smaller INAH3 while three homosexual males had larger INAH3). In spite of these denigrations, it is clear that homosexuality possibly has a biologic substrate. Just as LeVay found evidence of variation between the heterosexual and homosexual brains so did Swedish scientists Ivanka Savic and Per Lindström. They have produced three incredibly interesting and compelling studies. In the first two studies they documented how males and females of both sexual orientations responded to human pheromones. The researchers had the test subjects smell fo ur ordinary aromas and male and female hormones while their brains were being scanned with positron emission tomography (PET). Fascinatingly, the normal scents activated the part of the brain which processes smells, but the hormones were processed by the hypothalamus in most. Heterosexual men’s hypothalamus processed the female hormones, but scent area processed the male hormones. The opposite was found for heterosexual females (Schmid, 2006). On the other hand, homosexual males’ hypothalamus responded to males hormones while the scent area processed the female hormones (USATODAY, 2005). However, the homosexual females processed both hormones in the scent area. Straight men and lesbiansShow MoreRelatedEssay about Causes of Homosexuality - Nature AND Nuture564 Words  | 3 Pagesmany arguments about homosexuality whether is by nature or nurture. Before we make judgments on homosexuality, we need to identify the causes of homosexuality. Homosexuality is caused by gen etic, biological and environmental factors. The first possible cause of homosexuality is genetic factors. Homosexuality is a trait from birth (Buchanan, 2000). Studies found that identical twins share many common traits. A study found that identical twins normally share homosexual behavior if one of them is homosexualRead MoreHomosexuality: A Natural or a Chosen Life923 Words  | 4 PagesHomosexuality, Natural or A Chosen Life? Today, America is still faced with segregation issues, only today it isn’t about the color of skin but about your sexual orientation. A private matter that is suppose to be between two individuals, whether they are heterosexually or homosexually married, has become an issue of society. When it comes to finding a job, getting married, and all the legal rights involved in a marriage, homosexual couples are criticized and in some states not allowed. If it isRead MoreHomosexuality : Nature And Nature871 Words  | 4 PagesHomosexuality: Nature or nurture By: Clifnie francois Advance Placement Psychology Mr. Cuetara June 4 2015 Abstract The nature and nature of homosexuality is heavily debated. Some people believe that homosexuality is biologically determined and others believe it’s base on ones environment. This topic can be argue to be base on both nature and nurture. Studies conducted in the past decades support both the biological and environmentalRead MoreHomosexuality As A Psychological Disorder1511 Words  | 7 PagesThe social argument for homosexuality dates back to the ancient Greeks. Aristophanes, in his Symposium investigates homosexuality, although not termed as such, as a desire by men to share a long-term fulfillment of the soul. He believed that two souls are longing to be together, and the sexual desire alone is not strong enough to create homosexuality, but that the cultural environment allows or forbids the relationship to occur (Heffner, 2003). The debate about homosexuality dates back further thanRead MoreHomosexuality And Its Psychological Behavior1575 Words  | 7 P agesHomosexuality: The attraction to same sex: sexual attraction to or sexual relations with somebody of the same sex. Since the beginning of time, homosexuality has always been shunned, taboo, and misunderstood. Homosexuality and its psychological behavior is a phenomenon with a long history, to which there have been various cultural and moral responses. Theories on sexual development claim that homosexuality is developed after birth as a result of a person’s environment (nature). Environmental factorsRead MoreHomosexuality : Homosexuality And Identity1311 Words  | 6 PagesHomosexuality has been a questionable topic discussed in the United States for years. Over the years, we have seen a growing studies regarding homosexuality. Homosexuality is becoming a question of science or morale. So, is homosexuality and identity or a behavior? Identity is defined as who someone is or the qualities, beliefs, etc., that make a particular person or group different from others. Behavior is defined as the manner of conducting oneself or the way a person or animal acts or behave.Read MoreEssay on The Ca use of Homosexual Behaviors1255 Words  | 6 PagesThe Cause of Homosexual Behaviors The cause of homosexual behaviors has long been a controversial topic debated by scientists, psychologists, and many others among the general population. The Newsweek article Born or Bred discusses many possible causes of homosexuality. According to the research done in 1991 by neuroscientist Simon LeVay, the area of the brain that controls sexual activity called the hypothalamus, was less than half the size in homosexual males compared to heterosexual malesRead MoreAmericans Acceptance of Homosexuality Essay873 Words  | 4 PagesIn today’s society the general public has slowly became more accepting of homosexuality over the passing years, however it still remains an extremely controversial subject for a large majority. Different people have formulated their own opinions on whether or not this particular lifestyle is right or wrong. Some of these opinions are backed by generations upon generations of traditional views and religious beliefs which can be particularly arduous to break away from. How strongly people feel aboutRead MoreGender, Gender And Mating ( Levay 2011 )1676 Words  | 7 Pages However dominant the heterosexual may be in various cultural ethos, historical cultural contexts enforce vary ing attitudes towards the spectrum of human sexuality, gender and mating (LeVay 2011: 19-24). Homosexuality exists in all cultures, setting it as a fundamental fact of human biological diversity that goes beyond social contexts. Evolutionary biopsychological accounts of sexuality provide the most plausible paradigms for understanding sexual orientation and gender diversity, for it is anRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : A Debate Within Psychology1344 Words  | 6 Pagespsychology about whether certain aspects of behavior are genetic or learned characteristics. Certain physical characteristics are genetic, like color of eyes, hair type, and skin color. Other things like driving, talking, or tying your shoes are learned. People wonder if personality and mental abilities are genetic or learned. There are good arguments for both the nurture, and nature side of these three issues: intelligence, personality, and homosexuality. The process of genetically inheritance is
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle Essay - 866 Words
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, three men considered to be the quintessential basis of ancient Greek philosophy. Not only were they responsible for Greek enlightenment, but also foreshadowed the coming of Christ in there speculations. Plato, the protà ©gà © of Socrates, became the first to document the philosophy of his teacher, which in turn is passed down to Aristotle. This process of mentoring aided ancient man in the intellectual evolution of politics and religion, known as the linear concept. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Socrates, the Athenian native ex-hoplite and his successors more often than not focused on three main schools of thought, religion, politics, and the spiritual essence. Socrates was not a defender of the gods, and†¦show more content†¦In terms of democracy Socrates’ faith slight, he had his doubts, primarily because he did not condone empowering the uneducated. He felt that some were not educated enough and were ignorant to political and social complexities, therefore should not have the equality of a greater mind in the matter. He was later tried and convicted for corrupting the youth and atheism, not before passed all his philosophy to his prized student Plato. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Plato carried on Socrates’ unique approach to philosophy and extended it one step farther. He expanded largely on Socrates works on immortality of the soul, truth, the existence of man on two planes, and why, only after death, one could see truth more clearly in one of his most acclaimed works, the Doctrine of Pure Form and Ideas. The doctrine of pure form and ideas illustrated how man was deceived by his senses and that they masked the real truth. In fact, Plato argued that a man would see a horse for example, in a whole new light after death, because only then could he see the â€Å"pure form†after the mask of his mortal senses was lifted. Furthermore, he believed that a pure form, in other words an essence that can see all for its genuine truth created the world, which many consider the true beginning of monotheism. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;On the other end of the spectrum are his political contributions, whereby he took Socrates’ criticism of democracy to a new level. PlatoShow MoreRelatedSocrates, Plato, and Aristotle884 Words  | 4 PagesMike W. Civ. 1: Sec, 121-10 Dr. Maria Farina Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, three men considered to be the quintessential basis of ancient Greek philosophy. Not only were they responsible for Greek enlightenment, but also foreshadowed the coming of Christ in there speculations. Plato, the protà ©gà © of Socrates, became the first to document the philosophy of his teacher, which in turn is passed down to Aristotle. This process of mentoring aided ancient man in the intellectual evolution ofRead MoreSocrates, Plato, And Aristotle900 Words  | 4 Pagesphilosophers that have many different views and opinions on philosophy. In this essay, I will be talking about the three great philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and how they help to define what exactly philosophy is. These three Greek philosophers represent the birthplace of Western philosophy and help to shed some light on the actual meaning of the term. Socrates is from about 400 B.C. His final destination was simple. He wanted to assist others so that they could really investigate their ownRead MoreThe Big Three , Socrates, Plato, And Aristotle1035 Words  | 5 PagesWhen asked what famous Hellene philosophers they are aware of, most laymen would respond with the ‘Big Three’; Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. However, the Hellenic philosophical tradition was immensely rich beyond these three figures, with many other strains of philosophical thought emerging and withering throughout Ancient Greek history. One notable example of such a strain is the Stoics, a breed of philosophical thinking which was so strongly in favour of controlling one’s emotions, that the EnglishRead MoreThe Three Important Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle836 Words  | 4 PagesThere were many important greek philosophers. They all said something that is still known today. Some of these ideas are still accepted today as true . Three of these important philosophers are Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. They have all said something that is still accepted in modern society. Socrates was a greek philosopher that lived from four-hundred-sixty-nine BCE to three-hundred-ninety-nine BCE. He is one of the most influential Greek philosophers. He created the socratic method which, isRead MoreEssay on Comparing and Contrasting Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle708 Words  | 3 Pagesphilosophers. The most important philosophers from that time and always are: Aristotle, Plato and Socrates. Socrates: Socrates was a very important philosopher. He usually questioned a lot about traditions, religion and government. One of his ideas, now used at school, is the Socratic Method. This is that a person asks questions to the pupil, and while the pupil responds, the answer is becoming clearer. Socrates did not like to write any books. He always preferred staying at the market talkingRead MoreThe Evolution Of Education From Socrates, Plato And Aristotle To Medieval Europe753 Words  | 4 PagesEducation has changed over the years from Socrates, Plato and Aristotle to medieval Europe to even the twenty first century. When comparing the intended students then and the classes that were offered to them are vastly different than the intended students and classes that are offered now. Even the instructors are different from who can teach then to who can teach now. In ancient Greece, there were Sophist who were a group of philosophical teachers in the fifth century BCE. There were three mainRead MoreBoth Plato and Aristotle are among the most influential philosophers in the history. Socrates was900 Words  | 4 PagesBoth Plato and Aristotle are among the most influential philosophers in the history. Socrates was another famous philosopher who greatly influenced Plato. Plato was the pupil of Socrates and later Plato became the teacher of Aristotle. Although Aristotle followed his teachings for a long time, he found many questionable facts in his teachings and later on became a great critic of Plato’s teachings. Since Aristotle found faults in Plato, hence their work is easily comparable as it is based on theRead MoreHow Do the Ideas of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle Still Affect Us Today?1114 Words  | 4 PagesHow do Socrates, Platos and Aristotles ideas still affect us today? The most famous gift of Socrates to Western civilization is that of the Socratic Method. Socrates believed in deductive reasoning, or the need to reason about specific facts from principles. The Socratic Method involves the student in the learning process through questioning, and even when the teacher wishes the student to arrive at a specific answer, it is the student who is encouraged to draw the conclusion. The teacher doesRead MoreSocrates Plato Aristotle and Immanuel Kant Views on Happiness Government Religion and Objectivity2508 Words  | 11 Pageswhere happiness exists is a question that has been pondered by many great thinkers. Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Plato and Socrates had quite a bit to say on the subject. All of these well-known philosophers have a road map to happiness, religion, passion and objectivity. Yet, their theories differ ultimately in how to go about attaining each of them. For both Plato and Aristotle the good appears to be happiness. For Plato, this is where his interpretation of the meaning of Eudaimonism takes precedenceRead More Foundations of Political Thought Essays1664 Words  | 7 PagesAristotle and Socrates and Plato’s beliefs have similarities mainly evident in their denouncement of democracy for the state. The views of Socrates expressed and written by his pupil Plato are vastly philosophical in nature and he promotes the idea of questioning life to achieve insight. The philosophers who possess the absolute truth are the best equipped to rule society according to Plato and his Allegory of the Cave. Conversely, Aristotle takes a more political science approach of discussing
Importance of Home in the Wind in the Willows Free Essays
WillowsThere’s No Place Like Home: An Analysis of Two Characters’ Journeys in â€Å"The Wind in the Willows†As discussed in this course, classic children’s literature often involves some kind of journey for a character, in which they temporarily leave home, only to discover a self-truth and a new appreciation for that which they often took for granted. Kenneth Grahame’s â€Å"The Wind in the Willows†is no exception. The two animals that most notably go through a transformation as a result of leaving home are Mole and Toad. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Home in the Wind in the Willows or any similar topic only for you Order Now While their reasoning and experiences along the way differ, they both prove changed characters, and for the better. The Wind in the Willows†begins with a busy Mole, caught in his spring-cleaning daze, and within the first paragraph he has decided to leave the work behind as â€Å"something up above was calling him imperiously†(Classics of Children’s Literature, pg. 637). Mole’s home is underground, and as soon as he breaks the surface, the nature around him is described as very positive with words like â€Å"sunlight†, â€Å"warm†, â€Å"caress†, and â€Å"happy†(pg. 637). He takes in his surroundings and is pleased to â€Å"be the only idle dog among all [the] busy citizens†(pg. 637). He quickly comes across the river, something that he’s never seen before, and makes friends with Rat, a loyal and happy member of the River Bank. The experience on a boat is grand, and Rat doesn’t have to say much to convince Mole that venturing out was the best idea: â€Å"Absorbed in the new life he [Mole] was entering upon, intoxicated with the sparkle, the ripple, the scents and the sounds and the sunlight, he trailed a paw in the water and dreamed long waking dreams†(pg. 639). Rat goes on to teach Mole all the necessary â€Å"animal etiquettes,†different things about the inhabitants of the Wild Wood, and how to do river tasks, like rowing. Even though he fails in first attempts to fit in, Moles spirits are easily lifted by the comfort of his friends. Mole stays with Rat through the summer and continues learning and growing as a character. The pair goes to visit another friend, Toad, who is all too eager to travel and go on a journey with his horse drawn carriage. The night before they are supposed to leave, Mole says that he’ll do whatever Rat wants, but asks, â€Å"Shall we run away to-morrow morning, quite early-very early- and go back to our deal old hole on the river? †(pg. 647). Here, he mentions home for the first time, and seems to miss it. However, Rat declines, which suggests that Mole has not learned all he needs to and is not ready to return. The journey with Toad comes to a quick end, and Mole and Rat go back to the river. However, Mole does something out of character when he decides to set out on his own to meet Badger, an â€Å"important personage†(pg. 650). Against Rat’s previous warnings, Mole goes into the Wild Wood and becomes afraid of noises and unfamiliar sights. Rat quickly comes to his rescue and says that even Toad â€Å"wouldn’t show his face here alone,†which suggests that Mole has become braver. After meeting Badger, Mole and Rat decide to return back to the river and Mole is very excited, â€Å"eagerly anticipating the moment when he would be at home again among the things he knew and liked†(pg. 663). When they begin their journey back, Mole feels summoned â€Å"like an electric shock†and he realizes where he is. â€Å"Now, with a rush of old memories, how clearly it stood up before him†¦the home had been happy with him, too, evidently and was missing him, and wanted him back†(pg. 665). Mole wants to see his old home, but at first Rat doesn’t think it’s a good idea and convinces Mole to move on. Emotion overcomes Mole, and he sobs. At this point, home is everything to him, and he finally does deserve to go back. Rat realizes that the trip back is very important to his friend, and they turn back to find Mole’s old dwelling place. They find it and begin making a fire, welcome in some friends, and eventually settle down to dinner. It is a splendid time, and Mole, upon going to bed, realizes â€Å"how much it all meant to him, and the special value of some such anchorage in one’s existence†¦[however] he did not at all want to abandon the new life and its splendid spaces†¦it called to him still, even down there, and he knew must return to the larger stage†(pg. 671). It is in this moment that Mole appreciates his home, but realizes that he has changed for the better, and is ready to go back up and out to see what great, new experiences await him. Toad is not so easily moved by his home/away/home journey. Before he is introduced officially in the story, Rat says that Toad is â€Å"always good-tempered, always glad to see you, always sorry when you go,†and goes on to add â€Å"perhaps he’s not very clever†¦it may be that he is both boastful and conceited†(pg. 644-645). There are many instances when Toad is a bit too proud, whether it be talking about his house or his heroic deeds at the end of the story. The fact that Toad is wealthy seems to go along with him being obsessed with the latest craze, as he can afford to indulge in them. However, because of his boastful attitude and unawareness of consequences, it seems fitting that when he becomes infatuated with cars and driving, he never really succeeds at mastering it. Toad is more than happy to leave his fine estate for â€Å"the open road†(pg. 646). Travel and the like excite him, and it seems that he takes his home very much for granted at this point. Later on in the story, his friends, in hopes that he might be cured of his â€Å"poop-poop†daze, hold him under house arrest. This sheds a negative light on his home, making it a prison from which he escapes. Toad’s version of freedom is finding a new car, dressing the part and driving like a maniac. He even steals several cars (stooping to a new low) and crashes them. Toad’s freedom, his escape, is reckless and irresponsible and therefore it is essential that he come to a resolution to change. When Toad is finally placed in jail, he begins to reflect on his mistakes, calling himself a â€Å"stupid animal†(pg. 684). He even thinks about Toad Hall and his friends and there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel: â€Å"the cure was almost complete†(pg. 85). Not quite. Toad lucks out quite a few times, and several people take pity on him-the jailer’s daughter, the engine driver, the driving couple-even though he doesn’t really deserve it. Grahame uses these people to remind the reader that Toad isn’t all-bad, he’s just going through some kind of crisis. He even says that it’s when he’s at Toad Hall with his friends that he’s â€Å"at his best†(pg. 686). It is also interesting that as soon as Toad starts to think about how clever and amazing his actions are, karma finds him and he is once again running away from a pursuit. He is much like a child, throwing tantrums and being stubborn. When Toad ends up in the woods, he is finally finding his way back, feeling free in the wilderness. After being rescued from the river by Rat, Toad is excited to reveal all his adventures and cleverness. He even pledges to â€Å"lead a quiet, steady, respectable life†¦just as [he] used to in the good old days, before [he] got restless†(pg. 710). This proud moment is put on hold when he learns that Toad Hall has been seized. Suddenly, when he realizes his home is in danger, a fire is lit inside Toad, and he is ready to fight for it. Toad seems to have come to a breaking point, and the fact that he has to win his home back makes the change in him more obvious. Although Toad, after the battle, still wants praise and to give speeches and sing songs (on his behalf), there is finally a complete turn around. Toad has a few last conceited moments, but it is only between him and his home. He sings to a room with empty chairs, which shows just how important the home was to his transformation. It was the last thing that would see him in his old ways, and the thing in which he would build a new life and character. At earlier instances, the reader may not be convinced of Toad’s change, but Grahame assures us saying, â€Å"He was indeed an altered Toad! †(pg. 724). Both of these animal characters in â€Å"The Wind in the Willows†have human qualities of wanting something more, something new to spark interest and passion. Grahame, through Mole and Toad, has shown the benefits of leaving home at some point so that it might be better appreciated upon return. Change is necessary to both these characters, and results in them both being much happier and satisfied with their lives. How to cite Importance of Home in the Wind in the Willows, Papers
Importance of Home in the Wind in the Willows Free Essays
WillowsThere’s No Place Like Home: An Analysis of Two Characters’ Journeys in â€Å"The Wind in the Willows†As discussed in this course, classic children’s literature often involves some kind of journey for a character, in which they temporarily leave home, only to discover a self-truth and a new appreciation for that which they often took for granted. Kenneth Grahame’s â€Å"The Wind in the Willows†is no exception. The two animals that most notably go through a transformation as a result of leaving home are Mole and Toad. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Home in the Wind in the Willows or any similar topic only for you Order Now While their reasoning and experiences along the way differ, they both prove changed characters, and for the better. The Wind in the Willows†begins with a busy Mole, caught in his spring-cleaning daze, and within the first paragraph he has decided to leave the work behind as â€Å"something up above was calling him imperiously†(Classics of Children’s Literature, pg. 637). Mole’s home is underground, and as soon as he breaks the surface, the nature around him is described as very positive with words like â€Å"sunlight†, â€Å"warm†, â€Å"caress†, and â€Å"happy†(pg. 637). He takes in his surroundings and is pleased to â€Å"be the only idle dog among all [the] busy citizens†(pg. 637). He quickly comes across the river, something that he’s never seen before, and makes friends with Rat, a loyal and happy member of the River Bank. The experience on a boat is grand, and Rat doesn’t have to say much to convince Mole that venturing out was the best idea: â€Å"Absorbed in the new life he [Mole] was entering upon, intoxicated with the sparkle, the ripple, the scents and the sounds and the sunlight, he trailed a paw in the water and dreamed long waking dreams†(pg. 639). Rat goes on to teach Mole all the necessary â€Å"animal etiquettes,†different things about the inhabitants of the Wild Wood, and how to do river tasks, like rowing. Even though he fails in first attempts to fit in, Moles spirits are easily lifted by the comfort of his friends. Mole stays with Rat through the summer and continues learning and growing as a character. The pair goes to visit another friend, Toad, who is all too eager to travel and go on a journey with his horse drawn carriage. The night before they are supposed to leave, Mole says that he’ll do whatever Rat wants, but asks, â€Å"Shall we run away to-morrow morning, quite early-very early- and go back to our deal old hole on the river? †(pg. 647). Here, he mentions home for the first time, and seems to miss it. However, Rat declines, which suggests that Mole has not learned all he needs to and is not ready to return. The journey with Toad comes to a quick end, and Mole and Rat go back to the river. However, Mole does something out of character when he decides to set out on his own to meet Badger, an â€Å"important personage†(pg. 650). Against Rat’s previous warnings, Mole goes into the Wild Wood and becomes afraid of noises and unfamiliar sights. Rat quickly comes to his rescue and says that even Toad â€Å"wouldn’t show his face here alone,†which suggests that Mole has become braver. After meeting Badger, Mole and Rat decide to return back to the river and Mole is very excited, â€Å"eagerly anticipating the moment when he would be at home again among the things he knew and liked†(pg. 663). When they begin their journey back, Mole feels summoned â€Å"like an electric shock†and he realizes where he is. â€Å"Now, with a rush of old memories, how clearly it stood up before him†¦the home had been happy with him, too, evidently and was missing him, and wanted him back†(pg. 665). Mole wants to see his old home, but at first Rat doesn’t think it’s a good idea and convinces Mole to move on. Emotion overcomes Mole, and he sobs. At this point, home is everything to him, and he finally does deserve to go back. Rat realizes that the trip back is very important to his friend, and they turn back to find Mole’s old dwelling place. They find it and begin making a fire, welcome in some friends, and eventually settle down to dinner. It is a splendid time, and Mole, upon going to bed, realizes â€Å"how much it all meant to him, and the special value of some such anchorage in one’s existence†¦[however] he did not at all want to abandon the new life and its splendid spaces†¦it called to him still, even down there, and he knew must return to the larger stage†(pg. 671). It is in this moment that Mole appreciates his home, but realizes that he has changed for the better, and is ready to go back up and out to see what great, new experiences await him. Toad is not so easily moved by his home/away/home journey. Before he is introduced officially in the story, Rat says that Toad is â€Å"always good-tempered, always glad to see you, always sorry when you go,†and goes on to add â€Å"perhaps he’s not very clever†¦it may be that he is both boastful and conceited†(pg. 644-645). There are many instances when Toad is a bit too proud, whether it be talking about his house or his heroic deeds at the end of the story. The fact that Toad is wealthy seems to go along with him being obsessed with the latest craze, as he can afford to indulge in them. However, because of his boastful attitude and unawareness of consequences, it seems fitting that when he becomes infatuated with cars and driving, he never really succeeds at mastering it. Toad is more than happy to leave his fine estate for â€Å"the open road†(pg. 646). Travel and the like excite him, and it seems that he takes his home very much for granted at this point. Later on in the story, his friends, in hopes that he might be cured of his â€Å"poop-poop†daze, hold him under house arrest. This sheds a negative light on his home, making it a prison from which he escapes. Toad’s version of freedom is finding a new car, dressing the part and driving like a maniac. He even steals several cars (stooping to a new low) and crashes them. Toad’s freedom, his escape, is reckless and irresponsible and therefore it is essential that he come to a resolution to change. When Toad is finally placed in jail, he begins to reflect on his mistakes, calling himself a â€Å"stupid animal†(pg. 684). He even thinks about Toad Hall and his friends and there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel: â€Å"the cure was almost complete†(pg. 85). Not quite. Toad lucks out quite a few times, and several people take pity on him-the jailer’s daughter, the engine driver, the driving couple-even though he doesn’t really deserve it. Grahame uses these people to remind the reader that Toad isn’t all-bad, he’s just going through some kind of crisis. He even says that it’s when he’s at Toad Hall with his friends that he’s â€Å"at his best†(pg. 686). It is also interesting that as soon as Toad starts to think about how clever and amazing his actions are, karma finds him and he is once again running away from a pursuit. He is much like a child, throwing tantrums and being stubborn. When Toad ends up in the woods, he is finally finding his way back, feeling free in the wilderness. After being rescued from the river by Rat, Toad is excited to reveal all his adventures and cleverness. He even pledges to â€Å"lead a quiet, steady, respectable life†¦just as [he] used to in the good old days, before [he] got restless†(pg. 710). This proud moment is put on hold when he learns that Toad Hall has been seized. Suddenly, when he realizes his home is in danger, a fire is lit inside Toad, and he is ready to fight for it. Toad seems to have come to a breaking point, and the fact that he has to win his home back makes the change in him more obvious. Although Toad, after the battle, still wants praise and to give speeches and sing songs (on his behalf), there is finally a complete turn around. Toad has a few last conceited moments, but it is only between him and his home. He sings to a room with empty chairs, which shows just how important the home was to his transformation. It was the last thing that would see him in his old ways, and the thing in which he would build a new life and character. At earlier instances, the reader may not be convinced of Toad’s change, but Grahame assures us saying, â€Å"He was indeed an altered Toad! †(pg. 724). Both of these animal characters in â€Å"The Wind in the Willows†have human qualities of wanting something more, something new to spark interest and passion. Grahame, through Mole and Toad, has shown the benefits of leaving home at some point so that it might be better appreciated upon return. Change is necessary to both these characters, and results in them both being much happier and satisfied with their lives. How to cite Importance of Home in the Wind in the Willows, Papers
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