Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Arthur Millers Influence On American Theater - 1984 Words
A life of fame, luxury, and well known plays, this was unquestionably the life of Arthur Miller who is one of America’s well known playwrights of the twentieth century. His impact on American theater is still recognized today and will continue to be looked at for years to come. However Miller will not only be recognized by his plays, but by his high profile marriage, his work in politics and the list goes on. Arthur miller is viewed through American literature by his life, literary works, and impact on American theater. Born in New York City, New York on October 17, 1915, by two Polish immigrants Isidore and Augusta Miller. In Millers early years, his father was a successful business owner providing a luxury life for his family. Due to the start of the great depression in the late 1920’s, his business collapsed and this had a big impact on Millers life. Centola stats in a biography, â€Å"This sudden collapse of the familiar world was a crucial experience in Millerâ €™s life, and he would later frequently draw on the tensions that were created by that severe economic crisis in his writings†(Centola). After high school miller will eventually attended the University of Michigan in 1934, this is where Millers playwriting career began. â€Å"There, in addition to engaging in occasional journalistic efforts, he effectively launched his playwriting career; by the time he graduated with a BA in 1938, he had seen his own dramas performed and had received several honors†(Centola). AfterShow MoreRelatedEssay about Arthur Miller1626 Words  | 7 PagesTheater Appreciation ARTHUR MILLER Of the list of American playwrights the one I thought I would find most interesting is Arthur Miller. Being relatively familiar with some of his work I wanted to learn more about him. Through the research I have done I have been able to find some very interesting information about Millers work as well as his personal life. Arthur Miller was born in New York on October 17, 1915. His father, Isidore Miller, was a ladies-wear manufacturer and shopkeeper whoseRead MoreAmerica s The American Dream1537 Words  | 7 PagesAmerica for everyone due to American social, economic, and political system. Throughout history, the American Dream has evolved into many different beliefs. People believe that there is one American Dream when this is not the case. The American Dream is different amongst the individual. One cannot speak for someone beliefs and opinions, which is why the American Dream isn’t one set notion. But does the American Dream have influences? Do people or idea’s influence the American Dream? The answer is yesRead MoreThe Crucible By Arthur Mills Essay1690 Words  | 7 Pagescannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name! (Miller, 133) As The Crucible commences, Arthur Mills transports the reader to 17th century Salem, Massachusetts, to reenact the affliction of the Salem Witch Trials, ultimately leading to regret and fatality. Miller utilizes his troubled experience with McCarthyism to advance his writing of thisRead MoreThe Crucible and The Salem Witch Trials by Arthur Miller Essay884 Words  | 4 PagesArthur Miller wrote plays as a way of showing people the real picture of what life was really like during the Great Depression and after World War II. Before the Great Depression many Americans were living in a significant time period, the Roaring Twenties. People had radios, automobiles, and movies with sounds. Then it all suddenly came to an end with the Stock Market Crash, leading to the Great Depression. During the Great Depression, Americans faced poverty, and had no income because jobs weren’tRead More The Crucible - Was The Mass Hysteria Necessary? Essay1037 Words  | 5 PagesUn ited States Army and fought in World War II. Miller also went through the great depression. Arthur Miller’s first play was written in 1944, he titled it â€Å"The Man who had All the Luck.†The Crucible is a dramatization of the 17th-century Salem witch trials and a parable about the United States in the McCarthy era. It was written in 1953 and Miller received a Tony Award for this play write. Miller’s The Theater Essays (1971) is a collection of writings about the craft of play writes and the nature ofRead MoreAnalysis of Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman1581 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Arthur Millers play Death of a Salesman was a hit nearly from its debut, and its importance to American literature and theater has not diminished in the over half a century since its first performance in 1949. However, the specific areas of the play that have most intrigued critics have changed over time, as different historical, social, and literary concerns lead critics to come up with different interpretations. By analyzing three different critical responses to Death of a Salesman, it will beRead MoreEssay about Marxism and the Fall of Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman2986 W ords  | 12 PagesUnited States endured internal battles in political ideologies between capitalists and Marxists, which is the focus of Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman. According to Helge Normann Nilsen, author of â€Å"From Honors At Dawn to Death of a Salesman: Marxism and the Early Plays of Arthur Miller,†the Great Depression had a profound impact in forming the political identity of Arthur Miller: â€Å"The Great Depression created in him a lasting and traumatic impression of the devastating power of economicRead MoreEssay on Death of a Salesman and Street Car Named Desire4007 Words  | 17 Pagessalesman and â€Å"street car named desire explore the conflict between truth and illusion Truth and illusion are utilized in Tennessee Williams â€Å"Streetcar Named Desire†and Arthur Millers â€Å"Death of a salesman†through the use of the character; to lead the reader to a possible conclusion on the beliefs that went into the American dream that prompted people to work hard was that america was the land of opportunity while in fact that opportunity is used to manipulate those who follow this dream somethingRead MoreSummary Of Death Of A Salesman 3982 Words  | 16 PagesAhmad Maruf â€Å"American Literature and Corporate Culture†Professor Ritzenberg Final Paper Looking for Someone To Blame in the Mirror Arthur Miller s play â€Å"Death of a Salesman†tells the story of a salesman confronting failure in the success-driven society of America and shows the tragic trajectory that eventually leads to his suicide. It addresses a broken family, loss of identity, and a salesman s inability to accept change within himself and society. On the other hand, based onRead MoreThe Sonnet Form: William Shakespeare6305 Words  | 26 Pagesstressed syllables in a line is fixed, but the number of total syllables is not. This kind of meter is common in Anglo-Saxon poetry, such as Beowulf. Gerard Manley Hopkins developed a form of accentual meter called sprung rhythm, which had considerable influence on 20th-century poetry. Syllabic meter: The number of total syllables in a line is fixed, but the number of stressed syllables is not. This kind of meter is relatively rare in English poetry. Accentual-syllabic meter: Both the number of stressed
Monday, December 23, 2019
Ethical Hacking - 1028 Words
Almost 90 percent of our society now depends on complex computer based system. With the increasingly use of computer and explosive growth of the Internet has brought many good things: electronic commerce, online banking, e-mail, video conferencing etc. The improvement of systems security to prevent criminal hacker has become an important concern to society. There are many ways to protect those information systems; it seems that the Ethical Hacking is a better way. Therefore, whether to teach or not teach the Ethical Hacking as a course in Tertiary education has become an interesting argument. In this article will analysis the ethical, legal, and ethical implications of this issue. In order to discuss the ethical, legal, and social†¦show more content†¦A firewall can prevent computers being hack or attack. However, if Ethical Hacking is being taught to someone, it is expected that the activity of Ethical Hacking is permitted by the system owner beforehand. Otherwise, such activity will treated as an offence against the law. In the current society, business, organizations and government are very dependent on computers and Internet. Adequately protecting an organization s information assets is a requisite issue. Many organizations have deployed security software or devices, such as firewalls or intrusion detection systems, to help protect their information assets and to quickly identify potential attacks. IBM Systems Journal states that some organizations came to realize that one of the best ways to evaluate the intruder threat to their interests would be to have independent computer security professionals attempt to hack into their computer systems (IBM 2001). This might be a good way to evaluate the system vulnerability. However, to allow a penetration test team break into their systems, the organization may have faces some risks. For example, the penetration test team may fail to identify significant vulnerabilities; sensitive security information may be disclosed, increasing the risk of the organizati ons being vulnerable to external attacks (The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants). Some organization even send their system administrator to be trained Ethical Hacking as a career course in TertiaryShow MoreRelatedEssay on Ethical Computer Hacking972 Words  | 4 Pagesdelete certain file extensions. But maybe theyre the people sitting hours on end to deploy a fix for that certain virus someone else is writing, or safeguarding a local banks network to make sure that virus cannot access the banks database. Hacking can be ethical by providing the Internet world with a tightened sense of security by detecting and preventing security flaws before it is too late. There are a many types of hacks, and hackers in the cyber world. A hack can be any modification done toRead MoreThe Ethical Hacking Program On Pluralsight.com1488 Words  | 6 Pagesthe class had begun. After looking at a few possible projects and subjects for a thirty page thesis I decided on going through the Certified Ethical Hacking program on Pluralsight.com. Over the past fourteen weeks I watched the lectures on Pluralsight.com, took quizzes on skillset.com, read chapters and took chapter review tests in the Certified Ethical Hacker version 9 book by Sean-Philip Oriyano. I watched approximately sixty-one hours of lectures, spent several hours taking assesments andRead MoreEthical Hacking2871 Words  | 12 Pagespornography, read their e-mail, steal their credit card number from an on-line shopping site, or implant software that will secretly transmit their organizations secrets to the open Internet. With these concerns and others, the ethical hacker can help. ETHICAL HACKING: Information security is the fastest growing area in the Information Technology (IT) sector. Security would be an easy process if all that had to be done is to install a fire wall and anti - virus software, but the reality is thatRead MoreEthical Hacking8365 Words  | 34 Pagesone of them is Ethical Hacking, by ethical hacking the security holes of a company or product can be easily detected and can be resolved, these hacker have legal writes to do those operation. It is both productive for both company and the hacker. 1. What is Ethical Hacking Ethical hacking provides a way to determine the security of an information technology environment – at least from a technical point of view [1]. As the name ethical hacking already tellsRead MoreHacking Is Not Ethical?2090 Words  | 9 PagesHacking is not Ethical If you are a good hacker everybody knows you, But if you are a great hacker nobody knows you (Rishabh Surya). Hacking is known in the community as a way of stealing information from people and it can be but it can also be a lot more. Hacking is a dangerous tool that can lead to a life of crime. When people hack it is to mostly gain information that would benefit them in some way. Hackers can obtain information from a lot of places they usually put their focus into one placeRead MoreEthical Ethics Of Ethical Hacking2141 Words  | 9 Pagesof hackers. Ethical or White Hat Hackers intent is to discover vulnerabilities from a malicious attacker’s viewpoint. Ethical hacking involves the same tools, tricks, and techniques that malicious hackers utilize. White Hat Hackers use penetration testing in order to test the security of an organizations communications infrastructure. The one difference is White Hat hackers have the organizations permission to test the vulnerability of the organizations systems. Ethical hacking is one part ofRead MoreEthical Ethics And Ethical Hacking968 Words  | 4 Pagesdevelopment and issue is ethical hacking. To understand ethical hacking one must be able to define what it means to be a hacker. â€Å"A hacker is an individual who intends to gain unauthorized access to a computer system†(Laudon Traver, 2015). Oxford Dictionaries defines an ethical hacker as â€Å"a person who hacks into a computer network in order to test or evaluate its security, rather than with malicious or criminal intent†(Ethical Hacker, n.d.). In other words, an ethical hacker aims to discover ifRead MoreEthical Hacking Essay849 Words  | 4 PagesEthical hacking, in my opinion, is just as much as an oxymoron as ‘constructive criticism’. Before I go on to show that ‘ethical hacking’ is but an oxymoron only in the literal sense, it is essential for one to understand the words ’ethical’ and â €˜hacking’ - origin, meaning and the misconception. ‘Ethical’ can be defined as ‘working with high professional morals and principles’. The original hacker was a person who liked to tinker with software and hardware alike, enjoying and exploring the way theRead MoreHacking Can Not Be Ethical1681 Words  | 7 PagesHacking cannot be considered ethical due to the fact that it damages a company s reputation. Hackers have no care in the world about the negatives that happen to you. They may not have anything against you but what you stand for. Erickson was the owner of a website known for political debates was hacked and his page on which he spent thousands of dollars on was hacked by Anonymous and became malicious. â€Å"Erickson spent $1,500 to rebuild his site with enhanced security measures. He also spent a considerableRead MoreThe Ethics Of Ethical Hacking1801 Words  | 8 PagesETHICAL HACKING It is a computer based term in which data access by the white hat hacker and give the security to its user and help to improve the cyber system with white hat hacker who love to work for their user with some security products and give the surety from some extent, after that gray hat hacker also work for the nation without any personal gaining motive as compare to other its work high ranking system or done by judiciary of every nation. On the other hand black hat hacker (cyber criminals)
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The Return Midnight Chapter 2 Free Essays
string(54) " are like a tortoise’s, and I’m starving\." Elena couldn’t have been out for more than a few seconds. When she came to, everything was the same – although she wondered how she hadn’t lethal y cut her own throat on the knife. She knew that the tray with the dishes and cup had gone flying into the darkness in that first instant when she couldn’t help flinging out her arms. We will write a custom essay sample on The Return: Midnight Chapter 2 or any similar topic only for you Order Now But now she recognized the grip, she recognized the scent, and she understood the reason for the knife. And she was glad that she did, because she was about as proud of fainting as Sage would have been of doing it. She wasn’t a fainter! Now she wil ed herself to sag in Damon’s arms, except for where the knife was. To show him that she was no threat. â€Å"Hel o, princess,†a voice like black velvet said into her ear. Elena felt an inner shiver – but not of fear. No, it was more as if her insides were melting. But he didn’t change his grasp on her. â€Å"Damon†¦Ã¢â‚¬ she said huskily, â€Å"I’m here to help you. Please let me. For your sake.†As abruptly as it had come, the iron grip was withdrawn from her waist. The knife stopped pressing into her flesh, although the sharp, stinging feeling at her throat was quite enough to remind her that Damon would have it ready. Substitute fangs. There was a click, and suddenly the room was too bright. Slowly, Elena turned to look at Damon. And even now, even when he was pale and rumpled and haggard from not eating, he was so gorgeous that her heart seemed to plummet into darkness. His black hair, fal ing every which way over his forehead; his perfect, carven features; his arrogant, sensual mouth – right now compressed into a brooding line†¦ â€Å"Where is it, Elena?†he asked briefly. Not what. Where. He knew she wasn’t stupid, and, of course, he knew the humans in the boardinghouse were hiding the star bal from him deliberately. â€Å"Is that al you have to say to me?†Elena whispered. She saw the helpless softening in his eyes, and he took one step toward her as if he couldn’t help himself, but the next instant he looked grim. â€Å"Tel me, and then maybe I’l have more.†â€Å"I†¦see. Wel , then, we made a system, two days ago,†Elena said quietly. â€Å"Everyone draws lots for it. Then the person who gets the paper with the X takes it from the center of the kitchen table and everyone goes to their rooms and stays there until the person with the star bal hides it. I didn’t get the lot today, so I don’t know where it is. But you can try to – test me.†Elena could feel her body cringing as she said the last words, feeling soft and helpless and easily hurt. Damon reached over and slowly slipped a hand beneath her hair. He could slam her head against a wal , or throw her across the room. He could simply squeeze her neck between knife and hand until her head fel off. Elena knew that he was in the mood to take out his emotions on a human, but she did nothing. Said nothing. Just stood and looked into her eyes. Slowly, Damon bent toward her and brushed his lips – so softly – against hers. Elena’s eyes drifted shut. But the next moment Damon winced and slid the hand back out of her hair. That was when Elena gave another thought as to what must have become of the food she had been bringing to him. Near-scalding coffee seemed to have splashed her hand and arm and soaked her jeans on one thigh. The cup and saucer were laying in pieces on the floor. The tray and the cookies had bounced off behind a chair. The plate of steak tartar, however, had miraculously landed on the couch, right side up. There was miscel aneous cutlery everywhere. Elena felt her head and shoulders droop in fear and pain. That was her immediate universe right now – fear and pain. Overwhelming her. She wasn’t usual y a crier, but she couldn’t help the tears that fil ed her eyes. Damn! Damon thought. It was her. Elena. He’d been so certain an adversary was spying on him, that one of his many enemies had tracked him down and was setting a trap†¦someone who had discovered that he was as weak as a child now. It hadn’t even occurred to him that it might be her, until he was holding her soft body with one arm, and smel ing the perfume of her hair as he held an ice-slick blade to her throat with the other. And then he’d snapped on a light and saw what he had already guessed. Unbelievable! He hadn’t recognized her. He had been outside in the garden when he’d seen the door to the storage room standing open and had known that there was an intruder. But with his senses degraded as they were he hadn’t been able to tel who was inside. No excuses could cover up the facts. He had hurt and terrified Elena. He had hurt her. And instead of apologizing he had tried to force the truth out of her for his own selfish desires. And now, her throat†¦ His eyes were drawn to the thin line of red droplets on Elena’s throat where the knife had cut her when she’d jerked in fear before col apsing right onto it. Had she fainted? She could have died right then, in his arms, if he hadn’t been fast enough in whipping the knife away. He kept tel ing himself that he wasn’t afraid of her. That he was just holding the knife absentmindedly. He wasn’t convinced. â€Å"I was outside. You know how we humans can’t see?†he said, knowing he sounded indifferent, unrepentant. â€Å"It’s like being wrapped in cotton al the time, Elena: We can’t see, can’t smel , can’t hear. My reflexes are like a tortoise’s, and I’m starving. You read "The Return: Midnight Chapter 2" in category "Essay examples"†â€Å"Then why don’t you try my blood?†Elena asked, sounding unexpectedly calm. â€Å"I can’t,†Damon said, trying not to eye the dainty ruby necklace flowing down Elena’s slim white throat. â€Å"I already cut myself,†Elena said, and Damon thought, Cut herself? Ye gods, the girl was priceless. As if she’d had a little kitchen accident. â€Å"So we might as wel see what human blood tastes like to you now,†Elena said. â€Å"No.†â€Å"You know that you’re going to. I know you know. But we don’t have much time. My blood won’t flow forever. Oh, Damon – after everything†¦just last week – â€Å" He was looking at her too long, he knew. Not just at the blood. At the glorious golden beauty of her, as if the child of a sunbeam and a moonbeam had entered his room and was harmlessly bathing him in light. With a hiss, narrowing his eyes, Damon took hold of Elena’s arms. He expected an automatic recoil like the one when he’d grabbed her from behind. But there was no movement backward. Instead there was something like the leap of an eager flame in those wide malachite eyes. Elena’s lips parted involuntarily. He knew it was involuntarily. He’d had many years to study young women’s responses. He knew what it meant when her gaze went first to his lips before lifting to his eyes. I can’t kiss her again. I can’t. It’s a human weakness, the way she affects me. She doesn’t realize what it is to be so young and so impossibly beautiful. She’s going to learn someday. In fact, I might accidental y teach her now. As if she could hear him, Elena shut her eyes. She let her head fal back and suddenly Damon found himself half-supporting her weight. She was surrendering al thought of herself, showing him that despite everything she stil trusted him, stil †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦stil loved him. Damon himself didn’t know what he was going to do as he bent toward her. He was starving. It tore at him like a wolf’s claws, the hunger. It made him feel dazed and dizzy and out of control. Half a thousand years had left him believing that the only thing that would relieve the starvation was the crimson fountain of a cut artery. Some dark voice that might have come from the Infernal Court itself whispered that he could do what some vampires did, ripping a throat like a werewolf. Warm flesh might ease the starvation of a human. What would he do, so close to Elena’s lips, so close to her bleeding throat? Two tears slipped from under the dark lashes and slid a little way down her face before dropping into golden hair. Damon found himself tasting one before he could think. Stil a maiden. Wel , that was to be expected; Stefan was too weak to stand yet. But on top of the cynical thought came an image, and just a few words: a spirit as pure as driven snow. He suddenly knew a different hunger, a different thirst. The only place to ease this need was close by. Desperately, urgently, he sought and found Elena’s lips. And then he found himself losing al control. What he needed most was here, and Elena might tremble, but she didn’t push him away. This close, he was bathed in an aura as golden as the hair he was touching gently at the ends. He was pleased himself when she shivered in pleasure, and he realized that he could sense her thoughts. She was a strong projector, and his telepathy was the only Power left to him. He had no idea why he stil had it, but he did. And right now he wanted to tune into Elena. The wench! She wasn’t thinking at al ! Elena had been offering her throat, truly surrendering herself, abandoning al thought but that she wanted to aid him, that his wishes were hers. And now she was too deeply enmeshed in the kiss to even make plans – which was extraordinary for her. She’s in love with you, the tiny part of him that could stil think said. She’s never said so! She’s in love with Stefan! something visceral answered. She doesn’t have to say it. She’s showing it. Don’t pretend you haven’t seen it before! But Stefan – ! Is she thinking about Stefan in the slightest right now? She opened her arms to the wolf-hunger in you. This is no one-day stand, no quick meal, not even a steady donor. This is Elena herself. Then I’ve taken advantage of her. If she’s in love, she can’t protect herself. She’s stil a child. I have to do something. The kisses had now gotten to the point that even the tiny voice of reason was fading. Elena had lost her ability to stand. He was either going to have to put her down somewhere, or give her a chance to back out. Elena! Elena! Damn it, I know you can hear me. Answer! Damon? – faintly. Oh, Damon, now do you understand – ? Too well, my princess. I Influenced you, so I should know. You†¦? No, you’re lying! Why should I lie? For some reason my telepathy is as strong as ever. I still want what I want. But you might want to think a minute, maiden. I don’t need to drink your blood. I’m human and right now I’m ravenous. But not for that mess of bloody hamburger you brought me. Elena broke away from him. Damon let her go. â€Å"I think you’re lying,†she said, meeting his eyes directly, her mouth kiss-swol en. Damon locked the sight of her inside the boulder ful of secrets he dragged around with him. He gave her his best opaque ebony stare. â€Å"Why should I lie?†he repeated. â€Å"I just thought you deserved a chance to make your own choice. Or have you already decided to abandon little brother while he’s out of commission?†Elena’s hand flashed up, but then she dropped it. â€Å"You used Influence on me,†she said bitterly. â€Å"I’m not myself. I would never abandon Stefan – especial y when he needs me.†There it was, the essential fire at her core, and the fiery golden truth. Now he could sit and let bitterness gnaw at him, while this pure spirit fol owed her conscience. He was thinking this, already feeling the loss of her dazzling light receding when he realized he no longer had the knife. An instant later, horror just catching up with his hand, he was snatching it from her throat. His telepathic blast was entirely reflexive: What in Hell are you doing? Killing yourself because of what I said? This blade is like a razor! Elena faltered. â€Å"I was just making a nick – â€Å" â€Å"You almost made a nick that spurted six feet high!†At least he was able to speak again, despite the constriction of his throat. Elena was back on stable ground too. â€Å"I told you I knew you knew you’d have to try blood before you’l try to eat. It feels as if it’s flowing down my neck again. This time, let’s not waste it.†She was only tel ing the truth. At least she hadn’t seriously hurt herself. He could see that fresh blood was flowing from the new cut she’d so recklessly made. To waste it would be idiotic. Utterly dispassionate now, Damon took her again by the shoulders. He tilted up her chin to look at her soft, rounded throat. Several new ruby cuts were flowing freely. Half a mil ennium of instinct told Damon that just there was nectar and ambrosia. Just there was sustenance and rest and euphoria. Just here where his lips were as he bent to her a second time†¦and he had only to taste it – to drink†¦ Damon reared back, trying to force himself to swal ow, determined not to spit. It wasn’t†¦it wasn’t utterly revolting. He could see how humans, with their degraded senses, could make use of the animal varieties. But this coagulating, mineral-tasting stuff wasn’t blood†¦ it had none of the perfumed bouquet, the heady richness, the sweet, velvety, provocative, life-giving, ineffable attributes of blood. It was like some sort of bad joke. He was tempted to bite Elena, just to skim a canine over the common carotid, making a tiny scratch, so he could taste the little burst that would explode onto his palate, to compare, to make sure that the real stuff wasn’t in there somehow. In fact he was more than tempted; he was doing it. But no blood was coming. His mind paused in midthought. He’d made a scratch al right a scratch like a scuff. It hadn’t even broken the outer layer of Elena’s skin. Blunt teeth. Damon found himself pressing on a canine with his tongue, wil ing it to extend, wil ing it with al his cramped and frustrated soul to sharpen. And†¦nothing. Nothing. But then, he’d spent al day doing the same thing. Miserably, he let Elena’s head turn back. â€Å"That’s it?†she said shakily. She was trying so hard to be brave with him! Poor doomed white soul with her demon lover. â€Å"Damon, you can try again,†she told him. â€Å"You can bite harder.†â€Å"It’s no good,†he snapped. â€Å"You’re useless – â€Å" Elena almost slid to the floor. He kept her upright while snarling in her ear, â€Å"You know what I meant by that. Or would you prefer to be my dinner rather than my princess?†Elena simply shook her head mutely. She rested in the circle of his arms, her head against his shoulder. Little wonder that she needed rest after al he’d put her through. But as for how she found his shoulder a comfort†¦wel , that was beyond him. Sage! Damon sent the furious thought out on al the frequencies he could access, just as he had been doing al day. If only he could find Sage, al his problems would be solved. Sage, he demanded, where are you? No answer. For al Damon knew, Sage had managed to operate the Gateway to the Dark Dimension that was even now standing, powerless and useless, in Mrs. Flowers’s garden. Stranding Damon here. Sage was always that blindingly fast when he took off. And why had he taken off? Imperial Summons? Sometimes Sage got them. From the Fal en One, who lived in the Infernal Court, at the lowest of the Dark Dimensions. And when Sage did get them, he was expected to be in that dimension instantly, in mid-word, in mid-caress, in mid – whatever. So far Sage had always made the deadline, Damon knew that. He knew it because Sage was stil alive. On the afternoon of Damon’s catastrophic bouquet investigation Sage had left on the mantel a polite note thanking Mrs. Flowers for her hospitality, and even leaving his gigantic dog, Saber, and his falcon, Talon, for the protection of the household – a note doubtlessly pre-prepared. He had gone the way he always did, as unpredictably as the wind, and without saying good-bye. Undoubtedly he’d thought that Damon would find his way out of the problem easily. There were a number of vampires in Fel ‘s Church. There always were. The ley lines of sheer Power in the ground drew them even in normal times. The problem was that just now al those vampires were infested with malach – parasites control ed by the evil fox-spirits. They couldn’t be lower in the vampire hierarchy. And of course Stefan was a complete nonstarter. Even if he hadn’t been so weak that trying to change Damon into a vampire would have kil ed him; even if his anger over Damon’s â€Å"stealing his humanity†could be assuaged, he would simply never have agreed, out of his feeling that vampirism was a curse. Humans never knew about things like the vampire hierarchy because the subjects didn’t concern them – until suddenly, they did, usual y because they had just been changed into a vampire themselves. The hierarchy of vampires was strict, from the useless and ignoble to the fanged aristocracy. Old Ones fit in that category, but so did others who were particularly il ustrious or powerful. What Damon wanted was to be made a vampire by the kind of women Sage knew, and he was determined to have Sage find him a vampire lady of quality, one who was real y worthy of him. Other things tormented Damon, who had spent two entire sleepless days pondering them. Was it possible that the white kitsune who had given Stefan the bouquet had engineered a rose that turned the first person to smel it permanently human? That would have been Stefan’s greatest dream. The white fox had listened to days upon days of Stefan’s ramblings, hadn’t he? He’d seen Elena weeping over Stefan. He’d seen the two lovebirds together, Elena hand-feeding a dying Stefan her blood through razor wire. Fortune only knew what ideas that fox had gotten into his furry white head when he’d prepared the rose that had â€Å"cured†Damon of his â€Å"curse.†If it turned out to be an irreversible â€Å"cure††¦ If Sage turned out to be unreachable†¦ It suddenly broke into Damon’s thoughts that Elena was cold. It was strange, since the night was warm, but she was shivering violently. She needed his jacket or†¦ She’s not cold, the smal voice somewhere deep inside him said. And she’s not shivering. She’s trembling because of al you’ve put her through. Elena? You forgot all about me. You were holding me, but you completely forgot my existence†¦ If only, he thought bitterly. You’re branded on my soul. Damon was suddenly furious, but it was different from his anger at kitsune and Sage and the world. It was the kind of anger that made his throat close and his chest feel too tight. It was an anger that made him pick up Elena’s scalded hand, which was rapidly turning scarlet in patches, and examine it. He knew what he would have done as a vampire: stroked over the burns with a silky cool tongue, generating chemicals to accelerate the healing. And now†¦there was nothing he could do about it. â€Å"It doesn’t hurt,†Elena said. She was able to stand now. â€Å"You’re lying, princess,†he said. â€Å"The insides of your eyebrows are up. That’s pain. And your pulse is jumping – â€Å" â€Å"You can sense that without touching me?†â€Å"I can see it, at your temples. Vampires,†with vicious emphasis on what he stil was, in essence, â€Å"notice things like that. I made you hurt yourself. And I can’t do anything to help. Also†– he shrugged – â€Å"you’re a beautiful liar. About the star bal , I mean.†â€Å"You can always sense when I’m lying?†â€Å"Angel,†he said wearily, â€Å"it’s easy. You are either the lucky holder of the star bal today†¦or you know who is.†Again, Elena’s head drooped in consternation. â€Å"Or else,†Damon said lightly, â€Å"the entire story of the drawing of the lots was a lie.†â€Å"Think what you like,†Elena said, with at least some of her usual fire. â€Å"And you can clean up this mess, too.†Just as she turned to leave, Damon had a revelation. â€Å"Mrs. Flowers!†he exclaimed. â€Å"Wrong,†Elena snapped. Elena, I wasn’t talking about the star ball. I give you my word on this. You know how hard it is to lie telepathically – Yes, and I know that therefore, if there’s one thing in the world you’d†¦practice†¦at†¦ She couldn’t finish. She couldn’t make the speech. Elena knew how much Damon’s word meant to him. I’ll never tell you where it is, she sent telepathical y to Damon. And I swear to you that Mrs. Flowers won’t either. â€Å"I believe you, but we’re stil going to see her.†He picked Elena up easily and stepped over the smashed cup and saucer. Elena automatical y grabbed his neck with both hands to balance herself. â€Å"Darling, what are you doing – ?†Elena cried, then stopped, wide-eyed, two scalded fingers flying to her lips. Standing in the doorway, not two yards away from them, was petite Bonnie McCul ough, a bottle of Black Magic wine, nonalcoholic but mystical y exhilarating, held high in her hand. But as Elena watched, Bonnie’s expression changed al in an instant. It had been triumphant joy. But now it was shock. It was disbelief that couldn’t hold. Elena knew exactly what she was thinking. The whole house had devoted itself to making Damon comfortable – while Damon stole what rightful y belonged to Stefan: Elena. Plus he’d lied about not being a vampire anymore. And Elena wasn’t even fighting him off. She was cal ing him â€Å"darling†! Bonnie dropped the bottle and turned, running. How to cite The Return: Midnight Chapter 2, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Historical Ecology To Resource Management -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Historical Ecology To Natural Resource Management? Answer: Introduction The optimum utilization of the resources that are available for the company is the primary concern for the management of the company. Decisions relating to investment in different investment proposals i.e. whether or not to buy new equipment; whether or not to invest on new products are considered after directing tests that are related to appraisal of the investments on such offers. The management of the company would like to invest only when the company could earn the profit from an investment proposal then only they will go ahead with such investment. Investmentappraisaltechniques: The company is planning to make investment in developing a new medicine for adults that would reduce their constipation problem without having any significant consequence. The Austrochemicals Limited makes investment after conducting appraisal tests generally before making the investment. At the time of making investment for development of any new medicine some necessary parameters are required to be consideredwhich are Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Returnthat would provide the financial resultrelating to investment at the same time (Grinblatt and Titman 2016). Investigation of the consequences of techniques relating to investment appraisal: The management of the company have determined the IRR and NVP relating to the new proposal. The new investment proposal that address the concern of Anna,have been shown into different occasions that are mainly the calculation of Net Present Valueand Internal Rate of Return (Pettyet al. 2015). Firstly there is the consideration that the equipment must utilize at its fullest including agreement manufacturing of the item, while calculating the NPV and IRR of the project. Moreover in the second calculation there is assumption that the new equipments can only beutilized for the purpose of developing new medicine so during the calculation of NPV and IRR these particular points are taken into account while paying no attention to the expenses and proceeds from the contract manufacturer. Financial Management Theapproxima9te calculation of the total cash flow of the project through its period of business while it is worth of money after the discount factor is being adjusted is called Net Present Value (NPV). Therevenues and expenditure of agreement manufacture is of amount $754478.90is considered as positive at the opening of the new documents in the field of medicine and it clearly indicates that during the lifetime of six years the company can also earn positive net cash entry from the project (Qiuet al. 2016). The small calculation of the NPV provided below for the organization. Particulars Amount Amount Present value of total cash inflow $ 1,863,164.24 Add: Present value of working capital realized $ 64,849.14 Present value of salvage $ 86,465.52 Less: Initial Investment $ 1,260,000.00 Net Present Value (NPV) $ 754,478.90 When the NPV is positive at that point, organization get convinced to invest in the project. As estimation of the investment should be done in order to get better outcome of project while not including the revenue and expenditure of the contract and while the management should concerned with the ability of the fresh product so as to recover the initial investment. A chart is given below for the analysis of the management while it does not included the revenues and expenditure of the contract of the project NPV. Particulars Amount Amount Present value of total cash inflow 1,115,065.86 Add: Present value of working capital realized 64,849.14 Present value of salvage 86,465.52 Less: Initial Investment 1,260,000.00 Net Present Value (NPV) 6,380.52 When the expenditures and revenue of the contracting manufacturing are removed then the expected NPV of project reduces significantly. The Net Present value under this system is $6380.52. It is less than the NPV calculated in the above option. Therefore, it can be said that this investment will not be profitable for the company (Brigham 2014). Internal Rate of Return: IRR can be termed as the internal rate of return which falls under two different state that is without agreement manufacturing and with agreement manufacturing which are as follows: Without contract manufacturing: From the above table it is clearly stated that if the company will have negative value of percentage as exemplified by -3% and 12% IRRs while before and after of the adjustment of the discount factors IRR is calculated. Thus before investing in such a new project the management have to think in advance about its expected revenue and expenditure on contract manufacturing before coming to a conclusion (Ortaset al. 2015). As it will leads to the loss of the new project which would reflects in its expenditures and revenues. With contract manufacturing: Here the IRR seems to be completely changed as it does not includes the expenditure and revenues of the contract manufacturing as it includes the discounting factors before and after adjustment in IRR of the new project, which is desirable thus the management would show its interest and gets really convince to invest in such project (Bender 2013). Recommendation: From the above description it is concluded due to the negative value of NPV without taking into account the expenditures and revenue of the contract manufacturing which is generally the part in the beginning of the project. As the new project on its own will not becapable to recover the investment based on the proposal as the value will always be negative in NPV. In order to supply the customers for the required amount of new medicine then the machines if bought then it will only be used till up-to 50% of its capacity, thus this balance of 50%capacity of equipment will be idle and the management should use this percentage of proficiency during its contract manufacturing procedure. While accumulating the expenditures and revenues of the total money that are related with the contract manufacturer are being provided by the manufacturer, management will have to invest in its new project for the progression of the medicines, thus it shares a stability of 50% capacity of the equipment for contracting manufacturing. The percentage of discounting factors before adjustment is 28% while after the adjustment factor the rate are of 15% and 11% per annum are also required from the opinion of AL. The analysis of the result shows that the Net Present value of the option that includes contract manufacturing has more NPV and higher IRR than the option without contract manufacturing. Therefore, it is recommended that the business should select the option with the contract manufacturing. Reference Bender, C.M. and Orszag, S.A., 2013.Advanced mathematical methods for scientists and engineers I: Asymptotic methods and perturbation theory. Springer Science Business Media. Brigham, E.F., 2014.Financial management theory and practice. Atlantic Publishers Distri. Grinblatt, M. and Titman, S., 2016.Financial markets corporate strategy. Petty, A.M., Isendahl, C., Brenkert-Smith, H., Goldstein, D.J., Rhemtulla, J.M., Rahman, S.A. and Kumasi, T.C., 2015. Applying historical ecology to human resource management institutions: lessons from two case studies of landscape fire management.Global Environmental Change,31, pp.1-10.
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